Deloitte: No. 1 Outsourcing Advisor and recognised human capital strategy leader


Reaffirming its presence in the industry, Deloitte has been ranked number one forThe World's Best Outsourcing Advisors of 2013 by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals® (IAOP®). It was further recognised by the Kennedy’s Human Capital Strategy Consulting report as a global human capital leader.

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15/07/2013 |
  • Deloitte - d

We continuously build on our strengths to provide outstanding solutions for clients so they are able to optimise their business strategies and solve their most complex issues. Deloitte always strains to provide the most viableand executable strategies.

Filip Gilbert, Partner and Human Capital Leader at Deloitte Luxembourg

The ranking awarded by IAOP recognises Deloitte's profound experience and knowledge in finance, human capital, IT and other frequently outsourced functions, as well as its ability to help organisations throughout the outsourcing life cycle.

Deloitte was chosen by an independent judging panel of experienced outsourcing buyers and academics, organised by IAOP, which evaluated contenders based on four critical characteristics: size and growth; customer satisfaction; depth of competence and management capabilities. The judges awarded Deloitte the highest possible score in areas such as the quality of its outsourcing executive leadership, public recognition for business and outsourcing excellence, customer references and global presence, among others.

In addition to this substantial recognition, Deloitte was also named a global Kennedy Vanguard leader in human capital strategy consulting services, based on its breadth and depth of capabilities, in Kennedy’s Human Capital Strategy Consulting report. Deloitte received the highest marks for capability strengths and was listed in the top three human capital strategy consulting providers according to revenue.

"We are delighted to be ranked the number one Outsourcing Advisor as well as human capital leader. These recognitions validate both our quality and scope across various domains," explains Filip Gilbert, Partner and Human Capital Leader at Deloitte Luxembourg, “We continuously build on our strengths to provide outstanding solutions for clients so they are able to optimise their business strategies and solve their most complex issues. Deloitte always strains to provide the most viableand executable strategies.”

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