Deloitte Luxembourg rewarded with four prizes at the HR One Gala


Deloitte Luxembourg’s Human Capital Advisory team won four awards in the categories of Best Talent Management Firm, Transformation Partner of the Year, Digital Partner of the Year, and Best HR strategy firm at the 15th annual Luxembourg HR awards

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06/12/2017 |
  • B-Sommerfeld pr

    Basil Sommerfeld, Partner and Human Capital Leader at Deloitte Luxembourg

The ceremony began with the award of the Best Talent Management Firm which went to Deloitte Luxembourg, rewarded for having developed a whole series of customized tools making it possible to highlight transversal and managerial competences. Secondly, Deloitte Luxembourg was named Transformation Partner of the Year for the development of a workforce transition to operational units over the long term and to support employees during the appointment process.

The Digital Partner of the Year award was given to the company for its innovative training platform D.Learn, offering a blended learning approach that combines e-learning and face-to-face training.

"We strongly believe that the secret to success lies in developing talented business leaders that are able to respond and adapt to changes in the business environment. It is our role to support our clients through the different challenges, and address both learning, technical and business development needs. These awards reflect our commitment to help clients get ahead of tomorrow’s business challenges and we thank our clients for their trust and long lasting relationship,” states Basil Sommerfeld, Partner and Human Capital Leader at Deloitte Luxembourg.

Deloitte Luxembourg was finally awarded the prize for Best HR Strategy Firm in recognition of the firm’s introduction of a management and knowledge sharing system via a specialized interface.

The fifteenth edition of the Luxembourg HR Awards, rewarding the best local HR initiatives and solutions on the market, took place on Thursday 16 November at Casino 2000 in Mondorf les-Bains. After attending a conference organized by international experts, more than 300 Human Resources specialists participated in the traditional Gala dinner, during which the winners of the Luxembourg HR Awards were unveiled.

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