Telindus DigitalKYC and Tokeny partner to enable fully digitalized KYC for tokenization


Telindus DigitalKYC and Tokeny announce their partnership to ensure a fully compliant KYC for Tokenization activities in view to boost digital finance.

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07/10/2019 | Partenariat
  • Photo Frank Roessig (002)

Tokenization allows the efficient digitalization of assets in view to streamline transactions, including issuance, like STOs, onchain transfers and securities servicing. Those must be processed in a manner that is compliant with AML, KYC, MiFID and similar regulations.

This is where DigitalKYC by Telindus ensures the compliance with multiple regulations and enables a fluid and efficient KYC process. DigitalKYC covers the whole KYC-lifecycle and is highly tailorable to various tokenization business models. Users experience a fast and easy KYC-journey that is fully digitalized through an omni-device approach. Compliance teams take advantage of a qualitative and secure workflow.

“Tokenization is a key building block for the digitalization of Finance and must ensure compliance in view to grow. We at Telindus are excited to enable game-changing businesses together with Tokeny by ensuring a compliant and efficient KYC. It is inspiring and enriching to contribute to building the Future of Finance” comments Frank Roessig, FinTech Lead at Telindus, a Proximus Luxembourg brand.

"We are developing a strong ecosystem of partners that complement our tokenization solutions. Essential to this is onchainID, a decentralized system that enables market participants to identify themselves on the blockchain and participate in the digital era of finance. In this light, we are pleased to partner with Telindus, as their services provide the KYC and AML services that are needed in the on-boarding of investors and also the secondary trading of security tokens.” commented Luc Falempin, CEO at Tokeny Solutions.

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