Deloitte Luxembourg gains business continuity management ISO 22301 certification


The firm has also renewed the information security management ISO 27001 certification it has successfully held since 2017.

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01/06/2021 |
  • DSquare-exterior (002)

Following a rigorous independent audit carried out by BSI Group (The British Standards Institution), Deloitte Luxembourg has been awarded the renowned ISO 22301 certification. This certifies that the firm meets the ISO’s strict requirements for implementing and maintaining effective business continuity plans, systems and processes—and can uphold its activities even in the event of a significantly disruptive incident.

Deloitte Luxembourg has also been recertified as ISO 27001 compliant for maintaining a strict information security management system. This set of policies, procedures and processes provides a high standard of information security in line with legal requirements that are upheld by Deloitte personnel and supported by organization-wide IT systems and structures. 

“The pandemic and remote working have shown the importance of a sound crisis and business continuity management system as well as the highest information security standards. These two highly sought-after ISO-certifications acknowledge our unwavering commitment to keep our client data safe and secure the continuity of the services we deliver, even in crisis conditions”, states Laurent Berliner, Partner and Reputation & Risk Leader at Deloitte Luxembourg.

Deloitte Luxembourg has successfully held the ISO 27001 certification since the first audit in 2017. Both certifications will be reassessed every year for all Luxembourg entities.

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