Deloitte security consulting ranked #1 globally based on revenue by Gartner

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According to Gartner’s ‘Market Share Analysis: Security Consulting, Worldwide’ 2012 report published recently, Deloitte was ranked number one globally in security consulting based on revenue.

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19/07/2013 |
  • Deloitte - enquete securité

Deloitte’s top ranking, based on aggregate global revenue, is particularly noteworthy because clients spend their money wisely and invest in quality

Roland Bastin, Lead Partner for Security, Privacy and Resiliency at Deloitte Luxembourg

Gartner defines the security consulting market as security-specific advisory services to help companies analyse and improve efficiency of business operations and technology strategies for security. Security consulting services include security-related business, IT consulting and security assurance; it excludes security audit work that results in attestation of security controls.

“Deloitte’s top ranking, based on aggregate global revenue, is particularly noteworthy because clients spend their money wisely and invest in quality,” said Roland Bastin, Lead Partner for Security, Privacy and Resiliency at Deloitte Luxembourg. 

The security consulting service market grew 5.8% from 2011 to 2012, driven largely by advanced attacks, incident response and mobile security demands. 

"Increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks have become the norm," said Stéphane Hurtaud, Partner for Security Privacy and Resiliency at Deloitte Luxembourg. “With increasing sophisticated cyber-attacks, organizations need a consultant that can handle the scale and complexity of their cyber security needs. This is where Deloitte excels”.

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