Telecom Luxembourg Private Operator partners with Société Générale Bank & Trust Luxembourg

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Telecom Luxembourg Private Operator announces a partnership with Société Générale Bank & Trust Luxembourg to improve the bank’s performance information system and to fulfil its requirements in terms of security and reliability. The first step of the process started in February 2013 and was finalised on August 15th.

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10/10/2013 |
  • Luxembourg Telecom

Société Générale Bank & Trust Luxembourg had specific needs due to the physical move of its production centre. We answered its requests in two ways. First, we moved the DWDM* interconnection network of the back up centre to the production centre as well as the interconnection of these two centres to the customer’s building, located in the centre of the city. This network has been put in place in partnership with Dimension Data. Second, we set up the new production datacentre, entirely dedicated to the group Société Générale Luxembourg, within the datacentre’s infrastructure of Roost

Vincent Nicolay, COO of Telecom Luxembourg Private Operator

Following a project to review its energetic installations, Société Générale Bank & Trust Luxembourg has considered appropriate to move its production servers, hosted until then in its own offices, to those of a leading operator from the Luxembourgish market. After a strict selection process of the different offers, the Bank has chosen Telecom Luxembourg Private Operator as partner, in its quality of Support PSF, and based on the proposition of an innovative solution that fits SGBT Luxembourg’s expectations.

“Société Générale Bank & Trust Luxembourg had specific needs due to the physical move of its production centre. We answered its requests in two ways. First, we moved the DWDM* interconnection network of the back up centre to the production centre as well as the interconnection of these two centres to the customer’s building, located in the centre of the city. This network has been put in place in partnership with Dimension Data. Second, we set up the new production datacentre, entirely dedicated to the group Société Générale Luxembourg, within the datacentre’s infrastructure of Roost”, explains Vincent Nicolay, COO of Telecom Luxembourg Private Operator.

The technical challenges of this project were numerous. The deployment of the “Datacentre” within a new building was the perfect occasion to reinforce the physical security of the IT infrastructure, the reliability of the computer centre, in line with the respect and norms of the security requirements, and finally to expand its hosting capacity as part of the development strategy of the Bank.

“We are delighted about this partnership. The project has reached the overall objectives we have set, respecting the deadlines and not impacting the quality of service during the transition phase. The Datacentre is at the heart of the IT services of the Bank and contributes to the reliability and performance of its information system. Our customers and employees expect a faultless availability of our services, applications and infrastructures. This new Datacentre, modern and efficient, fulfil these expectations and is perfectly in line with the new digital challenges. The move of our infrastructures has allowed SGBT Luxembourg to equip itself with the best security standards currently available on the Luxembourgish market. Our new Datacentre has become the essential tool in securing and developing the activities and professions of the Group Société Générale within the Grand Duchy”, explains Cyril Brunstein-Laplace, Managing Director of SGBT.

The Société Générale Group has embraced in the past years a sustainable development strategy and largely promotes Green-IT initiatives. The “Green” approach of the new Datacentre, which also includes a cogeneration plant – currently under constructed - in order to cool the building in the long term, has fully met the expectations of the bank.

*DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing): technology which multiplexes a number of optical carrier signals onto a single optical fibre by using different wavelengths of laser light.
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