It’s a hat trick! Telindus Telecom has just won the “Cloud Computing Provider of the Year” 2013 award for the third year in a row

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Telindus Telecom is proud to announce that it has been awarded the title of “Cloud Computing Provider of the Year” 2013 by a panel of 57 CIOs from the  sectors of Industry, Finance, Services, Public Works, Retail, Public Transport, Logistics and Public services. This is the 5th award won by Telindus for the quality of its cloud solution in less than 3 years.

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10/12/2013 |

The IT One 2013 Gala, which took place at the new Luxembourg-Kirchberg conference centre on December 4th, 2013, culminated in the Luxembourg ICT Awards, after a dinner which was attended by more than 600 ICT professionals.

The “Cloud Computing Provider of the Year” award is given to a company specialised in cloud computing which has shown particular excellence through its innovative solutions and its exceptional performances. The main assessment criteria include innovation, customer satisfaction, price competitiveness, security, interactivity and ease of use / interface ergonomics.

“We are very proud of this award, which rewards our ongoing efforts to develop new solutions that are in tune with our clients’ needs and supported by the best experts” says Gérard Hoffmann, Chairman and Managing Director of Telindus Luxembourg. “The switch to Cloud Computing has become inevitable in order to foster optimal flexibility and reduce companies’ costs. The main question is to find the right partner whom you can count on. We are delighted to see that through this award, for the third year in a row, the decision-makers in the ICT industry have renewed their trust in us” he affirms.

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