Deloitte Luxembourg: Official renewed INDR ‘Entreprise Socialement Responsable – ESR’ label recognises CSR activities

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Deloitte Luxembourg has renewed its ‘Entreprise Socialement Responsable – ESR’ label, delivered by the National Institute of Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility for the second time, recognising the actions implemented since the last award three years ago.

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20/05/2014 |
  • Deloitte - photo label

Corporate Social Responsibility is a long-term goal which must be tackled everday; today’s achievements are milestones to larger future challenges. We wish to share our acquired expertise and extend our CSR projects beyond our firm to other people and businesses

Frederic Sabban, coordinator of all CSR projects at Deloitte Luxembourg

This label acknowledges the CSR activities of Luxembourg companies in order to make them aware of their progress and ensure sustainability as well as promote the CSR concept to other companies. Deloitte Luxembourg’s progress since 2011 includes but is not limited to:

  • Expansion to a total of eight sports clubs involving over 500 employees
  • Free relaxation classes every Friday and a doubling of Health@Work trainings for employees
  • Increased involvement in fundraisers such as Relais pour la Vie and ING Marathon
  • Helping the community through donations, tutoring programmes and volunteering
  • Greener premises including water faucets, eco-reminders, recycling and green printing

As a Luxembourg company present on the market for more than sixty years and employing over than 1,600 people from 52 nationalities, Deloitte considers social responsibility a key priority. In 2012, Deloitte Luxembourg was prized with the ‘Prix Santé en Entreprise’ for projects in place dedicated to the wellbeing of its employees. Invested in building a culture dedicated to the community, in 2013 Deloitte Luxembourg also finalised its ‘Actions Positives’ accreditation for its involvement in diversity and gender equality.

“These recognitions are some of the many received over the past three years. CSR helps create a link between our business and society and allows us to invest in a culture of sustainable development.” says Elisabeth Layer, audit partner leading the CSR activities at Deloitte Luxembourg. “As individuals and as a business, we all have the obligation to take care of our resources, be they our people, our community or our planet; it is our responsibility to preserve all three.”

Frederic Sabban, coordinator of all CSR projects at Deloitte Luxembourg explains: “Corporate Social Responsibility is a long-term goal which must be tackled everday; today’s achievements are milestones to larger future challenges. We wish to share our acquired expertise and extend our CSR projects beyond our firm to other people and businesses.”

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