Eleven CEOs call on the international community to step up the fight against Ebola and welcome President Obama’s statement on additional US military support

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We are a group of eleven companies operating in West Africa. We are understandably concerned about the impact of the Ebola virus on affected countries’ economies and the well-being of their people, which is being compounded by subsequent decisions and actions that affect travel to and trade with the region

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09/09/2014 |
  • ArcelorMittal acier

Our companies have made long term commitments to these countries and their people and we intend to honour these commitments. We have strong ties to hundreds of local communities that depend on our operations. Despite the challenging environment, we are continuing where possible with normal operations, with the health and safety of our employees being the absolute priority at all times.

We have enormous respect for the organisations and selfless individuals working to contain this outbreak and are committed to support them and the governments concerned to bring the epidemic to an end. As a group we are in regular dialogue with governments, NGOs and other task forces involved to support their work.

We also recognize that a larger coordinated global effort is required. The global community has a strong track record in responding to natural disasters such as hurricanes or earthquakes. We need a similar strength of resolve to tackle an epidemic that has the potential to cause great harm to this region.

We therefore urge the international community to pool its resources and lend support to help reverse the virus and enable these countries to recover as swiftly as possible from dealing with the epidemic. Yesterday’s declaration by President Obama concerning US military support in the region is exactly the type of action that is required.

Furthermore there is a risk the measures being taken to restrict travel to the countries most impacted by the virus will aggravate the growing humanitarian crisis.

Ebola is without doubt a horrific virus. But it is a virus that with the right understanding, precautions and processes in place should be avoidable and containable. That’s why we are calling for the immediate opening of humanitarian and economic corridors to the affected countries and urge the international community to respect the ECOWAS call to lift any travel bans in accordance with the WHO recommendation.

Without the support of the international community the situation for these economies, many of whom are only beginning to return to stability after decades of civil war, will be even more catastrophic.

African Mining Services
John Kavanagh, Directeur général des opérations en Afrique
Lakshmi Mittal, Président et Directeur général
Aureus Mining Inc
David Reading, Directeur général
Dawnus Group
Bob Jones, Directeur général
Golden Veroleum Liberia
David Rothschild, Directeur
Hummingbird Resources Plc
Dan Betts, Directeur général
IAMGOLD Corporation
Stephen J.J. Letwin, Président et Directeur général
London Mining Plc
Graeme Hossie, Directeur général
Tony Carr, Directeur général
Newmont Mining Corporation
Gary Goldberg, Président et Directeur général
Mark Bristow, Directeur général

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