Orange will not raise its tariff plans as of 1st January 2015

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Orange is ready to apply the law raising the VAT, but will not pass this raise on its tariffs to thank its clients for their fidelity

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  • Orange

Orange will apply the legal prescription concerning a 2% raise of the VAT for telecommunication services. Nevertheless and despite a year that has been deeply marked by a dramatic fall in mobile termination prices and a continued investment effort in networks, Orange will not raise the prices of its tariff plans, as a Thank you to its clients. Clients will be informed of the good news and of the legal prescriptions relative to the raise of the VAT on 1st January on our different product lines.

“We wish to thank our clients for having chosen us. It’s of great importance to us that our offers remain accessible to a large public and price is an important element regarding this aspect. Orange has always been ahead of the competition when it comes to master the costs of communications: We were the first to include roaming in our tariff plans, we were also the first to offer My Orange, a free web app that allows our customers to monitor their communication consumption in real time on their smartphone and we were the first to introduce a blocked tariff plan to protect particularly teenagers,” declared Werner De Laet , CEO de Orange Luxembourg SA

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