ING NEWS: ING Luxembourg awarded “Great Place to Work” for the 5th year in a row, a great source of satisfaction for Pierre Knoden, new HR Director

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ING Luxembourg is very proud to announce that it was awarded “Great Place to Work” on 24 February 2015, following a survey that has been carried out by the “Great Place to Work Institute”.

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  • Pierre Knoden

Already awarded as “Great Place to Work” in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014, ING ranks 5th among the winners in 2015.
ING Luxembourg can be particularly proud of this distinction because it is this year again in the first place among the firms with more than 500 employees and first among the companies in the financial sector.

Pierre Knoden was appointed Human Resources Director, effective 1st of February 2015, following the departure of Nicolas Rasson for ING Belgium.

Pierre Knoden arrived at ING Luxembourg in 1991 and has held a variety of roles within the Retail Banking organization before his appointment as Head of Retail Banking in 2007. The leadership style and managerial skills that he has demonstrated throughout his career make him the ideal candidate to ensure that Performance Culture is a true enabler of our Think Forward strategy and to continue our efforts in confirming ING Luxembourg is a “Great Place to Work”.

Pierre Knoden is really delighted by this award: “The results provided by the 2015 survey confirm not only ING’s position as a ‘Great Place to Work’ but also the quality and solidity of the foundations on which we build our organisation The results also reflect our employees’ commitment and the trust they have in ING’s future.”

The “Great Place to Work Institute” is a management consulting company present in 45 countries. They acquire, what kind of offers a company should provide to their employees to increase the quality of their work life.
From the 12th to the 30th of January, the employees of the Bank were therefore invited to give their feedback on their daily work environment and on ING Luxembourg as an employer.

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