LuxairCARGO continues to invest: three highloaders delivered at Luxembourg Airport

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Three "highloaders" (lifts for the loading of cargo aircraft) have just been delivered to LuxairCARGO, which carries on with its investments to maintain its quality leadership while ensuring maximum safety for its employees

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  • LuxairCARGO 1

These machines, which arrived at Luxembourg Airport on 2 April, have a lifting capacity of 35 tons. They complement the existing ground support equipment and will make it possible to simultaneously handle six large aircraft (B777 or B747).

This delivery is part of a ground support material order initiated in 2014 with a total of 2 million euros. In addition to this order, 3 million euros are budgeted in 2015 for other investment projects and infrastructure maintenance. From 2010 to 2014, LuxairCARGO has invested a total of 12 million euros.

In 2014, to accommodate increased activities of handled cargo volumes, LuxairCARGO hired 150 new workers on temporary contracts. Riding on the sustained growth of its business, LuxairCARGO continued its momentum in 2015 with the hiring of about fifty workers under permanent contracts in January, along with the extension of the majority of the other temporary contracts and the hiring, in March and May, of additional staff. These recruitments are being made in close collaboration with ADEM.

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