Docler Holding expands its portfolio of activities with the support of its newly appointed Advisory Committee

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The technology Group, headquartered in Luxembourg since January 2013, has recently expanded its portfolio of activities with the support of its Advisory Committee.

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27/07/2015 |
  • Advisory Committee Docler

The first projects to draw the attention of the company were presented during the “Pitch your Startup” event organised by Docler Holding, in association with Luxinnovation, in March 2015. The event gave the opportunity to more than ten companies to pitch for 3mns and win a 50k prize. “It gave us the opportunity to discover some really interesting start-ups, with which we will cooperate in the future. As an example, we are currently working on a B2B travel portal”, explains Karoly Papp, CEO of Docler Holding.

The company has just acquired a Hungarian live streaming channel currently broadcasting popular music and videos, with the goal to enhance Docler Holding’s content portfolio. “This project perfectly fits with our aim to develop more mainstream live streaming content via the creation of more diversified channels and to gather them all on a unique platform”, says Karoly.

Docler Holding has also decided to expand Escalion, its own payment service system, into a full payment service provider. “This will bring 16 million financial transactions per year to Luxembourg. As the country is strongly positioning itself as the EU payment and Fintech hub, we believe this was the right place and moment to develop this activity further“, adds Karoly.

As part the ongoing strategy to expand its activities in Luxembourg, Docler Holding has setup an Advisory Committee to provide strategic guidance to the company in regards to its global activities and more specifically to partnerships, acquisitions and innovation.

The Committee members include: Xavier Buck (Chairman of the Board, DCL Group & Serial Entrepreneur), Paul Schonenberg (Chairman and CEO of AMCHAM Luxembourg), Edouard Wangen (Chairman of the Board of LuxConnect) and Jean Diederich (President of APSI & Partner of Kurt Salmon).

“As Docler Holding continues to increase its technology driven developments, global promotion and brand recognition both locally and internationally, we are honoured to announce the formation of our Advisory Committee. It is also an important testimonial of our commitment to stay in Luxembourg and become an integral part of the ecosystem”, says Gyorgy Gattyan, Founder of Docler Holding. “These renowned individuals bring years of business expertise coupled with strong technical experience. They will be a valuable asset in the rapid growth and corporate changes the company is currently going through”.

In 2016, Docler Holding, in collaboration with major local partners, plans to organise another “Pitch Your Start-up” contest, with the aim to attract local but also international ICT start-ups. For more information, companies can already contact:

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