Orange joins UEFA EURO 2016 as Global Sponsor and Official Telecommunications Service Provider

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UEFA and Orange are proud to announce that Orange is officially joining UEFA EURO 2016’s commercial programme as a global sponsor with exclusive worldwide rights, and will also be the Official Telecommunications Service Provider for the tournament.

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29/10/2015 |
  • orange

Connecting people to what’s essential

UEFA EURO 2016 will mark the second time that Orange is collaborating with UEFA to deliver Europe’s premier footballing event and the 3rd biggest sporting event worldwide. As part of its UEFA EURO 2016 campaign, Orange will be developing exclusive offers giving consumers an opportunity to connect to what’s essential for them.

Official Telecommunications Service Provider of UEFA EURO 2016

As Official Telecommunications Service Provider, Orange will be providing all fixed and wireless communications services for the tournament. This includes the responsibility for delivering live match signals from the 10 stadiums in France to broadcasters and fans around the world, as well as providing staff, officials, media, referees and volunteers with connectivity through approximately 25,000 access points and mobile services throughout the tournament.

Over 800 engineers and experts from Orange will be dedicated to delivering UEFA EURO 2016.

Beatrice Mandine, Executive Vice President in charge of Communications and Brand, said: “EURO 2016 will be one of the most connected tournaments that football has ever seen and we are proud to be able to help France stage and host it. Passions run high when it comes to sport and football, and I’m delighted that Orange can help bring these games closer to customers and fans worldwide. Our sponsorship of these games is just the start of a new legacy that Orange is building to connect people to what’s essential in their lives.”

Guy-Laurent Epstein, Marketing Director of UEFA Events SA, commented “We are very pleased to welcome Orange as a Global Sponsor of UEFA EURO 2016. Orange’s contribution to the transmission of the TV signal will ensure that fans around the world are able to experience the excitement of the tournament at its best. In parallel, our partnership will help UEFA to deliver the most digital and connected event ever. We are delighted to be welcoming back a true partner who will be essential to the success of the tournament and to the fans’ global experience.”

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