BIL partners with SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde

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EUR 50,000 for the most vulnerable children and families

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17/02/2016 |
  • 20160217 BIL SOSVE

    from left to right : Sophie Glesener : Directrice, SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde, Anne Schweizer : Responsable des partenariats, SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde, Michaël Mertens : Head of Institutional Marketing, BIL et Hugues Delcourt : Président du Comité de direction, BIL

Hugues Delcourt, CEO of Banque Internationale à Luxembourg S.A. (BIL), has handed over a cheque for EUR 50,000 to Sophie Glesener, Managing Director of SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde. The funds will be mainly used to finance the SOS Kindergarden in Dosso, Niger, which this association supports.

This donation marks the beginning of a true partnership between BIL and SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde. Education is at the heart of this Luxembourg non-profit association’s mission and projects. Along with culture and innovation, education is also one of the major themes that BIL intends to promote as part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy.

SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde is part of SOS Children’s Villages, an international NGO helping orphans and abandoned children and disadvantaged families in more than 130 countries. The SOS Kindergarden in Dosso, Niger, financed through BIL’s donation, provides educational support for children and a skills enhancement programme for teachers. This project will strengthen the local community: mothers will be able to concentrate on their work while their children are looked after in the kindergarden.

Sophie Glesener, Managing Director of SOS Villages d’Enfants Monde, warmly thanked Hugues Delcourt and all of the BIL team for their invaluable support: “We are particularly happy that BIL is firmly supporting the many SOS projects intended to ensure the well-being of the most vulnerable children by providing them with a caring family environment and a high-quality education that will offer them a better future.”

“We share many values with SOS Villages d’Enfants. Any reflection on sustainable development must be a long-term undertaking. There is an obvious need for access to education and support for vulnerable children. Today’s children are tomorrow’s citizens. We have been impressed by the quality of the projects undertaken and the commitment of the teams. We are delighted to support them”, commented Hugues Delcourt, BIL’s CEO.

Part of this donation will be allocated to the SOS-Kannerduerf Lëtzebuerg non-profit association.

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