APATEQ awarded Water Management Company of the Year by Texas Oil & Gas Awards

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Luxembourg-based clean-tech company APATEQ, with a subsidiary in Houston area, has been awarded Water Management Company of the Year by the 2016 Texas Oil & Gas Awards

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08/11/2016 |
  • APATEQ Texas Oil and Gas Awards 2016 Water Management Comapany of the Year

    (originator: Oil & Gas Awards): Henk Jelsma, APATEQ Business Development North America (right) receiving the Water Management Company of the Year Award 2016 from Daniel Creasey, Oil & Gas Awards Chairman and CEO

The 4th annual Texas gala ceremony was held in Houston on November 3rd, where hundreds of oil and gas executives gathered together to celebrate leading companies in operational excellence, innovation, corporate social responsibility, health and safety as well as environmental stewardship.

APATEQ engineers and manufactures high-efficiency water and wastewater treatment systems based on unique process technologies. The company has been selected as a winner for its high-efficiency produced water treatment system “OilPaq”, which combines field-proven ultrafiltration and proprietary process technologies as a one-stop solution at highest performance and low operational costs.

 “APATEQ delivered an extremely impressive entry with a remarkable technology”, stated Oil & Gas Awards COO Oliver Bridgen. “Their combination of filtering mechanisms is really worthy of this award. I sincerely congratulate the entire team of APATEQ that did a great job.”

“Being recognized by an influential and thought-leading institution as the Oil & Gas Awards is a great honour for us”, said APATEQ CEO Bogdan Serban. “APATEQ is a young company and we launched our OilPaq system as membrane-based one-stop solution for produced water treatment only two years ago. Thus, it makes us particularly proud already being honoured as leaders in our field.”

Finalists of this year’s Texas Oil & Gas Awards include Apache Corporation, Halliburton, Hess Corporation and Occidental Petroleum Corporation.

All information on this year’s Texas Oil and Gas Awards including the winners can be found here.

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