PwC launches the Asset & Wealth Management Asia-Pacific Research Centre in Singapore

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Today, PwC announces the launch of its Asset & Wealth Management (AWM) Asia-Pacific Research Centre, headquartered in Singapore. With the support of the Singapore Economic Development Board, the AWM Asia-Pacific Research Centre aims to build capability in AWM in Singapore and across the region.

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25/01/2017 | Inauguration
  • Dariush Yazdani PwC Luxembourg

    Dariush Yazdani, responsible for the Market Research Centre at PwC Luxembourg

As an extension of PwC’s Global Market Research Centre based in Luxembourg, the AWM Asia-Pacific Research Centre will help to address the asset and wealth management industry’s market research needs such as identifying new market opportunities through its dedicated market-entry reports, help asset and wealth managers assess their competitiveness, improve their visibility in the market and monitor key trends.

This will be done through the development of in-depth analytical reports to support players in developing their strategy. It will also provide guidance for new player's market-entry aspirations across Asia-Pacific and engage in dialogue with regulators and governments in Asia-Pacific through policy papers.

The centre aims to build the analyst and research team to 12 over the next five years.

“The Asia Pacific Research Centre brings together thought leaders from both PwC Singapore and PwC Luxembourg. Together, we’ll provide clients and other financial institutions with tools to expand their footprint in this region through the provision of market intelligence and supporting thought leadership. In Europe, We have already published reference reports, particularly in Asset & Wealth Management, which have helped market players identify and achieve competitive advantages,” says Dariush Yazdani, Market Research Institute Leader at PwC Luxembourg.

Barry Benjamin, PwC Global Asset and Wealth Management Leader adds, “The impacts of globalisation, technology advances and changing demographics is leading to dramatic shifts in how people accumulate, manage and distribute their wealth. The Centre will play an integral role in advancing research as well as developing perspectives on these challenges.”

Visit the Asset & Wealth Management Asia-Pacific Research Centre webpage to get more details.

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