Docler Holding: The 17 companies selected for Pitch Your Startup now revealed – out of 160 applications

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For the third consecutive year, ICT startups from all over the world have been invited by Docler Holding and Luxinnovation to participate in the contest “Pitch Your Startup”.

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12/04/2017 |
  • PressPhotoPYSU

Out of a total of 160 applications from 25 different countries, the jury selected 17 ICT startups, based on the criteria of innovation, uniqueness, creativity and growth potential. They will compete on May 9th from 4:50pm during ICT Spring Europe. This year, the prizes are equivalent to a total amount of 100,000 €; of which 50,000 € are offered by Docler Holding. The European American Enterprise Council will offer a 3-month acceleration program in the US and free participation to the CES 2018. Innohub will offer a 3-month acceleration program in Luxembourg, including a 360° analysis based on the ISMA 360 methodology, as well as some coaching.

“I have to say that this year the selection of the 17 was even more difficult than previously. We received a lot of interesting applications from all over the world and from a number of different fields. We are really proud that so many startups applied, it hasn’t stopped doubling since we started and it shows the attraction of our event as well as Luxembourg”, explains Marton Fulop, COO of Docler Holding.

“Pitch Your Start-Up” is a contest for startups that are active in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT). Each startup will get 3 minutes and 33 seconds to convince the jury and impress the audience, followed by a 2 minutes of Q&A. The jury is composed of experts from the national ecosystem: Xavier Buck (DCLGroup), Nicolas Mackel (LFF), Marton Fulop (Docler Holding), Jean Hilger (BCEE), Jean Diederich (Wavestone), Pol Goetzinger (Innohub), Jerome Grandidier (EAEC), Jean-Michel Ludwig (Luxinnovation), Keith Hopper (Docler Holding) and Karoly Papp (Docler Holding).

Who will follow in the footsteps of Sesamm and Wondermags, the happy winners of the 2016 and 2015 editions? The winner will be announced at the gala dinner of ICT Spring Europe 2017.

Discover the 17 selected startups:

“The 17 startups will pitch on May 9th at 4:50PM in the main room during the ICTSpring event. This pitching session is completely open. All potential investors and business angels are also welcome to attend. The next big startup could just be around the corner”, concludes Melanie Delannoy, Head of PR and Communications of Docler Holding.

For more information:

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