From pionneer to genuine digital player: in conjunction with Kyctech, OneLife integrates the Regtech dynamic in its digitalisation process

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At the ICT Spring conference held at Luxembourg's European Convention Centre on 9-10 May 2017, Marc Stevens, CEO of OneLife, a Luxembourg-based specialist in life assurance, presented the latest innovation in the company's digital transformation plan. This process, started in 2015, is a real investment in the future of the company

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12/05/2017 |
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Marc Stevens, CEO of OneLife and Luc Maquil, Partner at the start-up KYCTech, presented OneLife's POC (Proof of Concept), which is in keeping with the drive to enhance and accelerate the risk and compliance processes.

Last year, OneLife, a digital pioneer, received three awards (“ICT Team of the Year”, “Digital Personality of the Year” and “Finance Team of the Year”) from the Digital Community in Luxembourg for its app, which is designed to allow its business partners to monitor their files in real time on their smartphone, therefore saving time and increasing efficiency. OneLife had therefore met one of its partners' requirements.

In 2017, OneLife is going further, becoming a genuine digital player thanks to the integration of RegTech: KYC/AML filtering for new contracts and the KYC/AML check for legal entities. In addition to the fact that OneLife can tackle the challenges posed by new regulations, it is also a real benefit that will allow its staff to focus on delivering high-quality service. Marc Stevens: “Although it's still in its infancy, RegTech seemed to us to be the next logical step in order to continue with our digital development. RegTech is the perfect addition in the finalisation of our onboarding process. And working with a new start-up like KYCTech has enabled us to realise just how much RegTech could help our Compliance & Risk and Customer Services teams on a day-to-day basis, therefore improving the level of service provided to our customers.” Luc Maquil added: “RegTech is a symbiotic approach based on efficient collaboration between Compliance & Risk teams and IT teams, driven by a general determination to do things better in future, thanks to digital technologies. With OneLife, we have found a visionary yet pragmatic partner, which works actively to implement its digital strategy by taking very practical steps.”

Integration is set to take place in the coming months thanks to the successful collaboration with KYCTech. The dynamic nature and agility in the design, development and implementation of the solutions make this OneLife-KYCTech partnership a unique experience.

Expect to see more innovations in the autumn and at the RegTech Summit! To find out about the latest news and developments, please visit:

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