Deloitte Luxembourg obtains Information Security Management certificate ISO 27001

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After a comprehensive external audit carried out by BSI Group (The British Standards Institution), Deloitte Luxembourg has been certified as an ISO/IEC 27001:2013 compliant organization

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07/09/2017 |
  • Roland Bastin - Proposal - Low Res

    Roland Bastin, Partner and Chief Confidentiality Officer, Deloitte Luxembourg

This ISO certification confirms that Deloitte has integrated a strict Information Security Management System (ISMS) in its business processes, and that information security and client confidentiality are part of the cornerstones of the firm’s activities. The ISMS is an approach that ensures a high standard of security that is maintained by Deloitte employees, and supported by IT systems and processes throughout the organization.

Roland Bastin, Partner and Chief Confidentiality Officer at Deloitte Luxembourg, highlights the importance of this new status: “As the nature of our business requires us to handle confidential information, it is of utmost importance that we have standardized processes and systems in place to ensure information security risks are well managed. We have always taken security seriously, and this certification confirms that we meet an international standard.”

More information about ISO/IEC 27001 can be found at the International Organization for Standardization website:

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