TETRAO, winner of the BNP Paribas Hackathon in Luxembourg, has won the first prize for “client experience” at the final of the BNP Paribas International Hackathon

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From 9 to 11 June 2017, BNP Paribas in Luxembourg took part for the first time in the International Hackathon organised worldwide by the BNP Paribas Group and running simultaneously with 160 start-ups in Luxembourg, Berlin, Brussels, Istanbul, Nanjing, Paris, Rome, San Francisco, Singapore and Warsaw

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12/12/2017 |
  • 20171201 BNPParibas Hackathon

After bringing together 10 start-ups and almost 100 internal experts and coaches in Luxembourg to discuss digital developments and their impact on the client experience, the panel, made up of senior managers from the Group in Luxembourg, named Tetrao as the winner of this weekend of sharing of expertise, experience and culture.

Since July 2017, Tetrao has been working in close collaboration with BGL BNP Paribas’ business line experts on jointly designing, developing, implementing and testing the proposed solution. Tetrao’s work is based on one aspect of Artificial Intelligence – namely, cognitive robotics. This technology makes it possible to automate any work process performed by a human in a web browser, to obtain documents available online and to interpret them, thereby accelerating and facilitating the account opening process for professional clients of BGL BNP Paribas. This technology will reduce the time it takes to open accounts for professionals from several months to just a few days. The clients and advisors who tested this solution at BGL BNP Paribas’ business centres in the lead up to the Hackathon final were unanimously positive about the experience.

Encouraged by this co-working session, Tetrao delivered a three-minute pitch to a jury made up of senior BNP Paribas managers and to the 15 other start-up finalists during Demo Day, which was held in Paris on 1 December 2017. On that day, Tetrao took first prize in the “Client Experience” category.

“Many of the Bank’s staff worked closely with Tetrao during the co-working phase, resulting in this victory of which we are all extremely proud. The clients who tested it are satisfied with the solution, which shows enormous potential. As a long-standing corporate partner, our Bank is constantly in search of innovation in order to ensure our clients receive the best experience possible,” explains Carlo Thill, Chairman of the BGL BNP Paribas Management Board and Country Head of BNP Paribas in Luxembourg.

“The combined talents of Tetrao and BGL BNP Paribas are a force to be reckoned with. The solution they have developed is innovative and a first in the European market. It uses artificial intelligence to speed up a complex process, thereby simplifying matters for both clients and employees of the Bank. We are proud of what we have achieved together, and would like to thank BGL BNP Paribas for their confidence in us,” adds Christian Gillot, Tetrao’s founder and CEO.

“This collaboration with Tetrao provides the perfect illustration of our Open Innovation approach, with the pooling of expertise and cultures making it possible to come up with innovative solutions. By collaborating with start-ups we are accelerating our transformation with a clearly defined objective: improving our clients’ experience,” concludes Josselin Hébert, Head of Business Innovation & Digital Change at BGL BNP Paribas.

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