ING named "Best for Private Banking Services" in Luxembourg!

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After having been recently voted “Private Bank/Wealth Management Company of the Year - Europe” by Citywealth and the recipient of the “Award for Innovative Technology-Client Experience” by Euromoney, ING has now been named “Best for Private Banking Services 2018 – Luxembourg” by Wealth & Finance International.

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17/05/2018 |
  • 1805WF12 - ING Luxembourg Winners Logo

The Wealth & Finance International (WFI) research teams in charge of analysing banking institutions were particularly impressed by ING’s personalised approach to private banking. They found that with ING’s individualised advisory management services clients feel they have a solid and transparent financial partner by their side.

What has also impressed the WFI teams is the focus on innovation, and more particularly on My ING Private Banking, a mobile solution for Private Banking clients, which allows them to monitor the evolution of their finances, access ING’s market information newsletters or get in touch with their financial advisor.

According to Sandrine De Vuyst, Head of Private Banking at ING Luxembourg: “This recognition highlights the professionalism and enthusiasm of our Private Banking specialist teams, in line with the good scores we obtain from the satisfaction surveys conducted with our clients!”

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