Dachser pursues sustainable growth

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Logistics provider reports 5.5 percent growth; European export business remains primary growth driver; new records in shipment, tonnage, and workforce

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15/04/2019 |
  • DACHSER-Interlocking

Dachser posted substantial growth once again in 2018. The logistics provider increased its consolidated net revenue by 5.5 percent to EUR 5.57 billion. As they did last year, shipment numbers increased, rising by 2.5 percent to 83.7 million; tonnage rose 3.0 percent to 41.3 million metric tons. With 30,609 employees in total, up 1,511 from the preceding year, Dachser’s workforce reached a record high.

In the Benelux, the logistics service provider increased the unconsolidated gross revenue by 9.9 percent to 305. 8 million Euros. Shipment numbers increased by 5.0 percent to 3.0 million; tonnage increased to 1.3 million tons. The 838 logistics professionals in the Benelux power the network.

More information in the document below.

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