Xpertize.lu and iStorm.lu become Select Luxembourg

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2018 was an important year for the Luxembourg based HR recruitment, selection & search firms Xpertize.lu and iStorm.lu. At the beginning of that year, a new partnership was forged with Select - a Belgian HR service provider. Until then, they were active in Belgium, the Netherlands and Dubai.
The 3 HR companies complement each other very well.

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not focus on one sector or one type of profile but service a wide range of them. But the level of quality and expertise we bring to the playing field matches that of a niche specialist. Key to operating like this and yet consistently offering a qualitative service however is local expertise. With Xpertize we can combine both. And the most important condition for this merger was to find a partner that operates from the same philosophy: a human first approach as the basis for our highest good: Quality. And that was met. And the rest is history as they say. ‘


So why complete the transition and change the brand name in 2019? We asked Sébastien Pourbaix, Managing director of Xpertize and iStorm in Luxembourg, as of now Select Luxembourg. “At Xpertize and iStorm, our main focus has always been recruitment. We believe however that companies needs in terms of HR will keep evolving to a wider array of necessities. HR has become a key topic at the management table and is thus being increasingly embedded into the operational and strategic side of the business. With Select we will now be able to offer a wider array of specialisms in one house. More HR services for our Luxembourgish clients. Select can supply services in recruitment, HR consultancy, project sourcing, outplacement and executive search in all types of sectors and profiles, nationally and internationally.”

That last part offers an answer to another important trend: the evolution to an increasingly international market. The tightness of the labour market and the collaboration possibilities are making country-borders become less and less important.

By becoming Select in 2019, we want to show that we can be the International HR service provider that our local Luxembourg market needs. But we can do so with an easy mind. We will continue to offer our candidates and customers the same level of dedication, quality and human-first approach they are used to from our team. “

The launch of Select in Luxembourg is going hand in hand with the launch of two new websites:

Selecthr.lu and select-jobs.lu. And to top it all of, the Select Luxembourg team has moved in to brand new premises in Howald Luxembourg neighborhood. A new start in every sense of the word.





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