Philipp Dahlem, 23, will shadow the Adecco Group's CEO for one month!

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This year, 300 candidates tried their luck to get the chance to share the daily life of Fabrice Poncé, CEO The Adecco Luxembourg Group. A recruitment process of several weeks, which ended last Monday with a bootcamp and assessment by a jury. Philipp has been chosen for this extraordinary experience: to live during a month the daily life of the CEO of a multinational company.

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28/05/2019 |
  • IMG 0303

The lack of professional experience is a major obstacle in the labor market. To bridge this gap,the Adecco Group's "One-Month CEO" program offers talented young people an once-in-a-lifetime experience. They became familiar with the hand solutions sector. and address topics ranging from human capital management to talent and leadership development, from corporate strategy to defining concerted actions to address current labor market challenges.

For a month, Paul will live to the rhythm of the agenda of Fabrice Poncé and will follow his daily life within the Group. He will have the opportunity to take active part to the projects of the group and give his opinion as well as be a creative force. As student at the University of Luxembourg, Philipp convinced the jury thanks to his natural leadership and his relational skills. Originally from Germany and very attracted by the international, his study and internships were mainly abroad: Shanghai, Warsaw, Luxembourg, Montreal.

"Beyond the CV, we first want to recruit a personality and a potential. This year we met a lot of talented candidates. "Says Fabrice Poncé. The CEO for One Month adventure will not stop this summer for Philipp. He will have the opportunity to participate to the program at an international level. In September, he will try his luck to become, for a month, the right-hand man of Alain Dehaze, CEO of The Adecco Group worldwide.

Follow CEO for One Month on social medias :
#CEOforOneMonth / Facebook : The Adecco Group Luxembourg
http://www. ceofor1month

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