BIL’s Open Banking platform now accessible for developers

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With its Open Banking platform, BIL will work closely with external developers, online merchants and partners to offer new digital services to its clients, and give fresh impetus to its innovation.

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25/06/2019 |
  • 20190625 BIL openbanking

Covered in particular by the second European Payment Services Directive (PSD2), the Open Banking concept encourages banks to open their information systems up to third party providers (TPP). With its new Open Banking platform, BIL will be able to collaborate with these third parties (online merchants, fintechs, partner companies, etc.) to offer even more services to its clients.

The bank is now offering external developers an initial application programming interface (API), giving access to account information (balance and transactions) and enabling payments. Developers will be able to test and use this API to offer BIL clients account aggregation services and payment services.

Of course, this collaboration is completely transparent and secure for clients. They choose the service that they wish to use, and their consent is needed for a third party to access their information or initiate a payment. These third parties must also be certified by a financial regulator of a member country of the EU.

“Financing needs, investment products, mobile payments: our strategy aims to make our clients’ daily life easier by offering them new digital experiences. Open Banking is a great opportunity for accelerating innovation in financial and non-financial services”, said Olivier Debehogne, Head of Retail, Private Banking Luxembourg and Digital at BIL.

Yves Baguet, Chief Operating Officer, added: “With our Open Banking platform, we have a powerful tool built for developers. It is also a catalyst for our digital transformation. We will keep improving it to provide an easily accessible, high-performing development ecosystem that guarantees our clients’ security.”

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