3C Payment partners with Xn protel Systems to expand its global payment solution capabilities within the hospitality and food & beverage industries


3C Payment, a leading global payment service provider offering secure processing of hotel payments for over three decades has partnered with Xn protel Systems, a global hospitality management software company, to further enhance its range of Hospitality solutions across Europe, Middle East and Asia.

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23/09/2019 |
  • 1-3CPayment-LOGO-MAIN-RGB (2)

The integration of xnPOS by Xn protel with 3C Payment’s Pay@Reception, Pay@Table and Pay@Counter solutions offers clients a full end-to-end solution, supporting tokenization, as well as Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) validation across the payment chain.

“We are pleased to announce this partnership today with Xn protel. Adding this new POS integration to our payment proposition allows us to satisfy existing growing demand from customers and reach new ones. Thanks to this strategic partnership, 3C Payment can benefit from Xn protel’s global network, and offer hoteliers a cross-border secure standardized payment solution with market leading providers” said Paul Musgrave, Global Sales Director at 3C Payment.

« By only using P2PE encrypted devices and 3C cloud solution, xnPOS is able to provide a fast, convenient and secured way to process card data in an food and beverage environment with a fully PCI DSS compliant solution. The xnPOS Mobile and 3C Pay@Table combination will increase the operation speed and efficiency by providing mobility to the ordering and payment process”, said Emmanuel Clave, xnPOS Product Director

The new integrated xnPOS / 3C payment solution has been successfully deployed in a number of hotels across Europe.

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