LuxSE releases Guide to ESG Reporting


In line with its stated objective to promote transparent capital markets, the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) has published a set of comprehensive guidelines for reporting on Environmental, Social and Governance aspects (ESG).

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14/10/2019 |
  • Flavia Micilotta (002)

Reflecting the unique diversity in its capital market ecosystem, LuxSE’s ESG Guidelines address the specific scope and needs of its three main stakeholders: companies, issuers of sustainable debt instruments, and asset managers active in sustainable & responsible investment funds.

“We wanted to go beyond standard market practice and make available ESG Guidelines that would be relevant not just for companies that are in the process of incorporating ESG considerations into their decision-making, but also for issuers and asset managers. These stakeholders have a very different scope, and their ESG reporting therefore requires a different approach,” explains Flavia Micilotta, Director of the Luxembourg Green Exchange.  

Embracing ESG considerations

The increased focus on sustainable development and the transition to a more sustainable and inclusive economy have led to an uptick in investor demand for transparent and comprehensive ESG data.

“Information that was previously considered as non-financial information is now becoming increasingly critical in the financial evaluation of companies. This trend is becoming mainstream,” adds Flavia Micilotta.

Corporate ESG reporting offers investors, future employees and other stakeholders a window into the quality of a company’s management and the environmental and social impact of a company’s activities. More and more companies share their approach to ESG matters in a transparent way with the public through ESG reports or sustainability reports. In this context, LuxSE’s Guide to ESG Reporting offers a comprehensive description of the process to put in place and the different aspects to consider for the reporting.

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