PREMIUM magazine partners with Docler

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PREMIUM magazine, the glossy publication of extraordinary gentlemen, joins the Docler Holding group, a digital and media company headquartered in Luxembourg, and extends its reach beyond the borders of the Greater Region.

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25/10/2019 |
  • Premium and Docler - Marton Fulop David Bail and Karoly Papp (002)

Launched in May 2012, PREMIUM stands out as a luxury magazine in the Grand Duchy. Its rich, diverse content offers sections dedicated to fields of lifestyle—more specifically, to watchmaking, automotive, gastronomy, travel, fashion, sports, technology and culture. Originally dedicated to the male audience, the magazine has recently diversified by offering two women's editions published each year.

“We believe in PREMIUM’s great potential, by giving it tools to grow and expand. We want to offer PREMIUM the resources and digital experience needed to diversify into other sectors related to the luxury industry", state Karoly Papp, CEO of Docler Holding and Marton Fulop, CIO of Docler Holding.

PREMIUM has a second claim to fame: annual events dedicated to luxury goods, like the Wonder Fair. For Docler Holding, this partnership is a turning point for its products related to art and lifestyle, as well as to the field of specialized press.

"For PREMIUM it's an international gateway, with opportunities to build bridges to other countries on both event creation and magazine editions, especially through companies within the Docler Group," said David Bail, founder of PREMIUM.

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