Ramborn Cider Co. invites companies in Luxembourg to change the way they do business today, for good

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There has been a lot of news around the world recently about the need to reconsider the way we all think about companies and how we do business.

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01/10/2019 |
  • RAMBORN - Freshly PRESS'ED - PHOTO 3 01.10.2019 (002)

The recent coverage in leading global publications such as the Financial Times, the Economist, and the New York Times (“Capitalism. Time for a Reset”; “What are companies for?”; “Let’s get to work”) has caught the attention of global business leaders. It has led many of them to reconsider the relentless pursuit of shareholder profit, and to think more holistically about their impact on society, the environment, and the economy at large.

Ramborn Cider Co.’s purpose is to revive the culture of cidermaking and meadow orchards in Luxembourg. The company was created on the premise that business can be used as a force for good and that by creating market demand for locally grown fruits the company can not only protect but also rejuvenate the nature and the environment while supporting the local economy, communities and culture.

Its impact has been to revive and replant these meadow orchards – ‘The Rainforests of Europe’ – year in, year out, and to help the communities and ecosystems flourish throughout its value chain – from farmers to customers – and beyond. Today we are facing an extinction emergency, and Ramborn’s approach is to face this head on: Reviving and replanting traditional meadow orchards is protecting and reinvigorating the much-needed biodiversity in the region. Each tree is home to around 1000 different species. It is also transforming the landscape of Luxembourg to protect our atmosphere, our water, and our topsoil.

Ramborn’s methods – specifically the exclusive fermentation of freshly pressed juice from traditional apple varieties grown in meadow orchards they actively maintain and replant – use much less energy, zero irrigation, zero use of pesticides, and actively capture carbon through growth of new trees and their biome (the distinct biological communities that have formed in response to the shared physical climate). The current loss of biodiversity devastating our planet would mean losing the taste of these traditional apple varieties forever – a tiny, but deeply interconnected component of the enormous stakes we face around the world.

“We know there are many other businesses in Luxembourg who share this approach: that business must be a force for good – for society, the environment, and shared economic security,” said Carlo Hein, Founder and CEO. “We would love for all of them to join us on this journey, make changes today to become leaders in the new economy, and change the way we all think about business, for good.”

Ramborn Cider Co. welcomes anyone and everyone to come and discover the action it is taking in the orchards to have a positive impact on society and the environment. In order to share and experience all these approaches, Ramborn Cider Co. invites to their family event “Public Harvest” on 6 October 2019 between 11.00 and 18.00 to Born at the Ramborn Cider Haff. At this apple harvest there will be free tastings of the award-winning cider and interesting offers with price reductions of up to 50 percent. Of course, food trucks, waffles, music, apples and fresh apple juice are not to be missed at this event.

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