DLA Piper Luxembourg celebrates the second edition of a legal programme for asylum seekers and refugees


Following its successful introduction, DLA Piper held for the second year ‘Know Your Rights’, a pro bono programme for the legal empowerment of refugees and asylum seekers in Luxembourg.

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04/11/2019 |
  • dla piper rgb

The nine-week programme aims to empower asylum seekers and refugees by increasing their core legal knowledge and associated soft skills. The firm provided weekly training on various legal issues and asylum seekers’ rights, to help attendees integrate better into society, become better advocates for their interests and pursue their professional and personal goals.

DLA Piper's lawyers and commercial clients run the classes. The programme also received the support from NGO partners including UNHCR, Passerell, RYSE and the University of Luxembourg.

The topics taught included asylum and immigration law, employment law, education, housing health law, negotiation skills, Luxembourg judicial system, contract law and entrepreneurship.

DLA Piper's Country Managing Partner in Luxembourg, Catherine Pogorzelski, said: “ 'Know Your Rights' has already delivered incredibly positive outcomes for refugees. I'm really proud that this year we had a greater involvement of our lawyers and clients in this programme. We look forward to supporting newcomers on their journey with us next year.”

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