Disrupting the global conversation

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From the future of food production, to the evolving landscape for FinTech and neuroscience, these topics were at the heart of the latest Disrupted or Disrupter Conference organized by Deloitte Luxembourg.

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19/12/2019 |
  • Martino Pascal Deloitte press (002)

On December 12, Deloitte Luxembourg hosted their fourth edition of the Disrupted or Disrupter Conference, an event that offered Deloitte Luxembourg guests new avenues for reflection on topics discussed around the world, not just those affecting the financial sector. In front of a large panel of innovation stakeholders gathered at the LHoFT (Luxembourg House of Financial Technology), international experts discussed the latest digital innovations and opportunities emerging in a rapidly changing market.

Mark Post, Co-Founder of Mosa Meat at SingularityU, opened the presentations with his hypothesis on ‘The future of food production’ in which he highlighted the challenges of digitisation versus those of sustainable food production. Gabrielle Inzirillo of Plug and Play Tech Center then led a spirited analysis, ‘FinTech is dead! Long live FinTech!’ in which she explained how the FinTech we know today is unlikely to be the same in the coming years. The audience was lastly rewarded with ‘Improve the quality of your decisions with neuroscience’, an insightful presentation from Dr. Roeland Dietvorst, Founder and Scientific Director at Alpha.one. He offered an interactive demonstration on how technologies associated with algorithms such as machine learning techniques improve our ability to understand and analyse our thoughts.

Organised by Deloitte Digital Co-Leaders and Partners, Pascal Martino and Ronan Vander Elst, this annual conference was moderated by LHoFT CEO, Nasir Zubairi. The event intended to inspire participants to think outside the box and encourage them to reflect on the real impacts developed by certain innovations outside the financial industry. Through staging such conferences, Deloitte Luxembourg continues to lead the industry in new ways of thinking in order to address tomorrow’s challenges.

“At Deloitte Digital we combine industry and strategy with technology and design to help prepare our clients for the ‘next season’, to look to the future and anticipate long-term shifts in the industry,” comments Pascal Martino, Partner and Deloitte Digital Co-Leader in Luxembourg. “This is why we create conferences such as Disrupted or Disrupter to focus on the trends of tomorrow that may not impact us in the coming months, but will do so in the next few years. Even today, many of our clients overestimate the impact of technological change over the next 24 months, while they underestimate what will actually happen in the next decade. Deloitte Luxembourg is already working on this paradox.”

For the Deloitte Digital team, the main takeaway point was to urge the industry to focus on digitisation; to utilise the power of technology not as an addition, but as a main driver in both the infrastructure of a company, and the running of its business.

For more information about digital innovation and future opportunities, visit: https://www2.deloitte.com/lu/en/pages/technology/topics/deloitte-digital.html

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