VAKANZ, your invitation to travel and leisure

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Don’t let anything keep you away from the 29th edition of VAKANZ, the only salon in the Greater Region dedicated to travel and tourism. Three days of discoveries await you from 17-19 January 2020 at Luxexpo The Box. Whether you are searching for inspiration or for specific information, over 250 travel experts from all over the world will be coming together in Luxembourg especially for you.

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10/01/2020 |
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Seas, mountains, cities and countryside, near or far – every destination is brought together in Luxembourg-Kirchberg during the three days of the event. Special terms and concepts will similarly be offered by many exhibitors, and a few lucky people could even be going away with magnificent stays and prizes throughout the salon. A number of other highlights will feature during VAKANZ 2020: after-work Friday, with the exclusive launch of the VAKANZ cocktail, dance shows, workshops on taking successful holiday photos and exhibitions of photography, tastings of culinary specialities… and one of the spectacular highlights is sure to be the skimboard event, where the bravest of you are welcome to give it a go – just remember to bring your swimming costume and bath-towel (changing rooms will be provided!). Younger visitors won’t be left out either, with a treasure hunt, games and a crèche. Take the opportunity to visit the salon as a family!

Celebrating islands in 2020

For 2020, an island theme will be to the fore, amongst the thousands of other destinations on offer. Over fifty islands and archipelagos in warm and cold seas, along with tour operators specialising in such trips, are already announced, with surprising and unique discoveries thrown in too. A complete change of scenery awaits, for instance on the Lofoten Islands or perhaps Wrangel Island, where the last mammoths were still living less than 4000 years ago. Other island destinations such as Japan, Sri Lanka, Rapa Nui, Indonesia, the Balearics and Fiji will also be represented.

You can embark on a tour of the world of the islands, thanks to a dedicated map which you can find in the centre pages of the salon’s catalogue, issued on entry. Treat yourself to a surprise! Enter the GPS coordinates shown on the VAKANZ advertisements, and imagine a destination which wasn’t necessarily on your radar!

Visibility and economic impact for Luxembourg

“For close on 30 years, VAKANZ has maintained its popularity, because the salon is unmissable for visitors and for the trade,” explains Morgan Gromy, CEO of Luxexpo The Box: “A successful holiday starts at VAKANZ. In a single location, you can find thousands of destinations and concepts, expert advice, agencies and associations.”

Regarding the economic impact of the salon, Gromy explains: “Tens of thousands of trips are arranged and booked during the salon and the weeks following it, and many of these are with exhibitors from Luxembourg and the Greater Region. In the background, there are thousands of people who have been working for months to ensure the success of the salon.”

Luxembourg enjoys strong visibility as a destination. For three days, hundreds of travel professionals stay in the Grand Duchy and discover the tourism benefits the country has to offer. “In that respect, the presence of Lex Delles, Minister for Tourism, at the salon on the Friday is important for us as a travel destination, and the Visit Luxembourg stand serves as a showcase to our international visitors,” Gromy adds.

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