EuroDNS offers every company a free subscription to Microsoft Teams for 6 months

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As part of the measures taken by a number of governments and public authorities to deal with the epidemic of Coronavirus, COVID-19, EuroDNS has set up an initiative to best support companies in the deployment of solutions facilitating teleworking and allowing them to pursue their activities. This initiative is valid for all companies and it is not linked to any purchase obligation.

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19/03/2020 |
  • eurodns2

"Whatever the size of your company, we offer our help and support in the adoption and deployment of the collaborative and videoconferencing platform Microsoft Teams, allowing those who have to work remotely to chat, meet, make calls and collaborate wherever they are located and in real time”, explains Macsen Galvin, COO of EuroDNS.

For organizations that do not have Microsoft Office 365 or that have not equipped all their employees, EuroDNS offers Office 365 Microsoft Teams Commercial Cloud, for 6 months and for free.

EuroDNS is one of the rare providers to have integrated the offer of the MS OFFICE365 range via its automated management platform and to have made the link with its automated configuration of domain names through "DomainConnect".

"The entire team remains at your disposal to activate this free offer and to answer all your needs and questions related to domain names, SSL certificates, and site webhosting. Additionally, a free offer for the support in the launch of new websites under "Managed WordPress" will be launched in a few days in order to help companies in this accelerated transition to the digital world", concludes Macsen.

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