LuxSE takes home ‘Exchange of the Year’ award for fourth consecutive year


Following the release of Environmental Finance’s Bonds Awards 2020 winners, the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) is happy to announce that it has won the Exchange of the Year prize for the fourth consecutive year.

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01/04/2020 |
  • Julie Becker (002)

Continuing to shape the future of sustainable finance

Since launching the Luxembourg Green Exchange (LGX) in September 2016, the world’s first and still unique platform dedicated solely to sustainable securities, LuxSE has continued to pave the way towards a more sustainable economy.

This has been recognised year on year since 2017 during Environmental Finance’s Bond Awards. The annual Bond Awards celebrate financial institutions and issuers for their proactive behaviour in furthering the sustainable finance agenda through their contributions to the green bond market.

“Each year, we set higher goals for the contribution we want to make to sustainable finance, while continuing to provide a leading platform for green, social and sustainability securities in close partnership with our bond issuers, arrangers and advisors. It is a great honour to have this common work recognised for a fourth consecutive year by Environmental Finance,” said Julie Becker, Deputy CEO of LuxSE and Founder of LGX.

Looking back on 12-months of innovation

Along with the launch of the LuxSE Guide to ESG Reporting, representatives from LuxSE took up the role of sustainability lecturers as the first phase of LGX Academy was launched with lectures held in Stockholm and Luxembourg during 2019.

With solid foundations rooted in Luxembourg for the future of sustainable finance, 2020 is set to be yet another busy year for the world’s leading platform for sustainable finance.

Judges from the Bond Awards expert panel also noted that, "Most of the bonds looked at [for Bond Awards] were listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, which is also supportive of broader sustainable finance initiatives."

To view the full list of Environmental Finance’s Bond Awards 2020 winners, click here.

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