Pitch Your Startup 2020: ‘Descartes Underwriting’ Winner!

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The 5th consecutive edition of Pitch Your Startup took place during ICTSpring Europe on September 15th. Out of 8 finalists, an InsurTech startup won the grand prize of EUR 50,000 offered by Docler Holding. Descartes Underwriting, represented by Violaine Raybaud, Head of Business Development, convinced the jury with the best project and pitch of the contest.

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17/09/2020 |
  • Violaine Raybaud (002)

The event organizers, Farvest, gathered more than 320 applications in 8 different categories for this year’s edition. The event introduced by Marc Hansen – Minister Delegate for Digitalization - was broadcasted live from the European Convention Center in Kirchberg. The prize was handed out by Diane Tea, Board Director & Tech Investor from the Luxembourg Business Angel Network and Kolos Kaszaly, Docler Holding’s CTO: “We had a very hard time to decide the winner. We believe that each startup will have success in their fields, but to us, Descartes Underwriting stood out amongst all the startups.” 

“We went through different criteria,” stated Diane. “And the startup that won impressed us a lot in terms of the real problems they are addressing, the potential of the solutions, and above all, the commercial traction they have built in such a tiny period of time.” 

Violaine accepted the award on behalf of Descartes Underwriting and shared her company’s ambitions. “At first we were really proud to have been awarded the prize in our category, InsurTech. We are sure we can make a big difference and today proves it. We are thrilled to have the support and to continue making businesses more resilient across the globe.” 

Founded in 2018, Descartes Underwriting is an insurance underwriting company committed to providing policies on behalf of a selected number of first-tier insurers, reinsurers, and Insurance-Linked Securities funds.

“As a tech company, Docler also began as a startup and has grown into an international company with over 1300 employees. We know how difficult it can be for startups. Especially during this ongoing pandemic, it can be even tougher for them to have the resources they need to succeed. We initiated the first Pitch Your Startup in 2015, and this year, we still wanted to keep our commitment to support new talents and uncover gems in this dynamic environment”, explains Karoly Papp, Docler Holding’s CEO.  

The jury was made of: Priscila Chaves - Tech Ethicist & Impact Entrepreneur; Philippe Linster - Chief Executive Officer, House of Startups; Julia Zhou - Communications Director, Kairos Society Europe; Kolos Kaszaly – CTO, Docler Holding; Amélie Madinier?– Director, Hub@Luxembourg Le Village by CA; Taylor Ryan – Partner, Klint Marketing; Diane Tea - Board Director & Tech Investor, Luxembourg Business Angel Network; Yannick Oswald – Principal, Mangrove Capital Partners; François Giotto - Senior Innovation Officer, Banque Internationale à Luxembourg.  

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