EFA approved as a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment


EFA, a leading Assets Servicing company in Luxembourg, is proud to announce that it has signed the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment. 

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17/05/2021 |
  • EFA Batiment2 (002)

The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) are widely recognised as the leading global framework for encouraging positive environmental, social and governance practices in investment strategies. For EFA, becoming a signatory to the PRI is a natural step after joining the UN Global Compact, in which signatories commit to aligning their operations and strategies with ten principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anticorruption. 
Since its foundation, EFA takes ESG matters very seriously and has been rewarded the Gold level by the independent Ecovadis label since 2018. This allows Asset Managers with Sustainable investment strategies to keep a high-level of ESG along all the value chain of their funds.  
With this signature, EFA tells its clients, partners and suppliers that it commits to make a positive impact in this world. 
Noel Fessey, EFA CEO said, " We believe that what we do today – individually and collectively – shapes our world's future. We believe that we have a responsibility to help shape a better, sustainable future. With this signature, we declare that the EFA supports those in the fund industry who want to make a difference. " 
Fiona Reynolds, PRI CEO, commented: " Service providers such as EFA play a pivotal role in strengthening the integration of ESG across the investment chain. We’re very pleased to welcome EFA as a signatory to the PRI, and applaud their commitment to adhere to our principles in supporting institutional investor clients in Luxembourg and beyond. We look forward to working with the team.  " 
For more information about the PRI, please go to: www.unpri.org 

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