Industry 4.0 meets companies at home

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At the initiative of the Luxembourg Digital Innovation Hub, under the aegis of Luxinnovation, and FEDIL, "DIH ON TOUR" will crisscross the country between 25 October and 17 November in order to meet with industrial companies. The objective is to promote the advantages of digital transformation and the Industry 4.0 approach.

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11/10/2021 |

The digital transformation of industry brings both challenges and a multitude of new opportunities. In order to
better understand the needs of industrial companies and provide them with the services they require, the
Luxembourg Digital Innovation Hub (L-DIH), managed by Luxinnovation, and FEDIL are organising the first edition

Between 25 October and 17 November, a “school bus” will travel across the country and stop in 12 industrial zones
(Lentzweiler, Wiltz, Friedhaff, Réiden, Bissen, Echternach, Potaschberg, Contern, Windhof, Ellange, Differdange and
Belval) in order to meet directly with industry players wishing to embark on a digitisation journey or to push an ongoing
process further.

"'DIH ON TOUR' is one of the answers to the requests we received from companies we met during our previous
events," explains Arnaud Lambert, Director of the Luxembourg Digital Innovation Hub at Luxinnovation. "Our goal
is to spend time directly in their vicinity and to make ourselves easily accessible to the entire teams of their
organisations: staff, managers or executives."

Targeted training sessions on the topics of digitalisation and cybersecurity will therefore be given each day in a bus
fitted out as a classroom. Round tables are also planned with experts on these topics. Everything will take place at
the very heart of Luxembourg's main industrial sites.

"It is important to go out in the field in order to better understand the issues and challenges that digital
transformation brings to our companies. This approach will help us to improve the support they need to succeed in
their digitalisation projects," says René Winkin, General Manager of FEDIL, who will himself be present at the first
session on 25 October in Lentzweiler.

This initiative, unprecedented in the country, is part of the threefold ambition to "Inform / Inspire / Act" that
underlies the activity of L-DIH.

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