Compellio’s DLT Gateway offers new SSI capabilities with Talao’s wallet


Compellio augments the traceability and notarisation capabilities of its DLT Gateway with new SSI functionality brought by using Talao’s open-sourced wallet.

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30/11/2021 |
  • Compellio

Users of the Compellio DLT Gateway can now interact with one click via their Compellio wallet to store important assets they own in a secure, trusted, and interoperable manner.

With this new solution, the Compellio Gateway provides seamless integration of W3C-compliant provisioning and management of self-sovereign identities (SSIs) and verifiable credentials (VCs), targeting both B2B and B2C workflows in several user cases including process auditing, product traceability, asset management, or consumer engagement.

Denis Avrilionis, CEO and founder of Compellio commented: “We are delighted to collaborate with Talao to extend the capabilities of our blockchain-enabled platform and enable any user to hold verifiable claims in a fully-compliant W3C SSI Wallet. The Compellio Gateway already offers enterprise system integration with blockchain technology. With the help of Talao, we are now extending our product to support SSI technology, allowing digital assets and SSI identities to be seamlessly adopted in enterprise, governmental, as well as business-to-consumer processes.”

Thierry Thevenet, co-founder of Talao stated: “Enhancing security for digital assets and robust mechanisms to manage identities are essential in modern corporate information systems. Thanks to the Compellio Gateway - Talao Wallet integration, organizations can now leverage state-of-the-art Self-Sovereign Identities.”

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