ERG participates in roundtable discussions on Kazakhstan-Belgium-Luxembourg cooperation


Eurasian Resources Group (“ERG” or “The Group”), a leading diversified natural resources group headquartered in Luxembourg, participated in a roundtable entitled “Kazakhstan-Belgium-Luxembourg: prospects for investment cooperation” which took place as part of President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s recent official visit to the Kingdom of Belgium.

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03/12/2021 |
  • ERG's logo (002)

The event provided an opportunity to reinforce the already strong relationship between the three nations and to explore how to further deepen their cooperation in the field of trade and investments.

Benedikt Sobotka, Honorary Consul of Kazakhstan in Luxembourg and CEO of ERG, said, “I am glad to note that the visit of the President of Kazakhstan to Brussels and the roundtable discussion on investment cooperation between Kazakhstan, Belgium and Luxembourg took place ahead of a landmark date: the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The roundtable was attended by major business players from the three countries, who presented their projects in Kazakhstan, discussed prospects for expanding cooperation and outlined further plans for promoting public-private partnerships in the sphere of investments. In my role as Honorary Consul of Kazakhstan in Luxembourg, I help facilitate trade, investment and relationships between Luxembourg and Kazakhstan, and it is great to see events like this roundtable furthering the related work.”

ERG is one of the largest companies in Kazakhstan and is among major investors to its economy with over 60,000 employees across six regions working for the Group. Over the last 30 years, ERG’s enterprises have invested more than $12 billion in developing existing and new facilities in Kazakhstan. Today ERG accounts for around 2% of the country’s GDP and a third of its metals and mining sector. Through a range of long-term initiatives, ERG has been working to shape an innovative environment in the country, stimulate entrepreneurship and benefit local communities. At the roundtable in Brussels ERG was represented by Christian Kossinov, Director of the Chief Executive’s Office.

Attending the event were: Mukhtar Tileuberdi, Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan; John Stoop, the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Belgium; Ardak Zebeshev, Chairman of the Investment Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Meirzhan Yussupov, Chairman of the Board of KAZAKH INVEST; Robert Jan Jeekel, Head of European Union Institutional Affairs for ArcelorMittal; Antonio Bove, Vice President for Europe at SES; and Halim Titsaoui, Head of the Kazakhstan-Luxembourg Association.

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