The Communication Agency That Never Communicated

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Not all communication and advertising agencies are built alike. Some start off by communicating about themselves first before putting in the work for others.

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23/02/2022 |
  • Gecko David Schloesser

However, that is not the case with this agency. It has been serving its clients for 15 years now. This is for the first time that they are doing a press release all while blowing out 15 candles over a mouth-watering, delicious cake.

GeckoGroup celebrates this milestone not only with a cake. The communication and advertising agency hired new talents to its team in order to become a 360 degree service provider offering its clients with a new digital marketing offer as well as continuing its print management and web-development services.

“I strongly disagree with people who say that print advertising and general print media is dead. I believe that it is important for businesses to think about a multi-channel communication and marketing approach consisting of print and digital”, says David Schloesser, Chief Executive Officer of GeckoGroup.

The digital marketing department has been integrated over the second half of last year and got its own digital representation at

David Schloesser continues: “We believe in the right mix between offline and online communications. The name “Ratio” is due to the “Golden Ratio”, a unique mathematical relationship which is easy to spot in the natural world.”

If you are interested in finding out more visit

About David Schloesser

David Schloesser is a 34-year old serial entrepreneur from Luxembourg. He acts as Managing Director of GeckoGroup and also as one of the Directors of SmartForm, a gym and Nutrition Coaching Company in Schifflange, Luxembourg. He studied Web den Grafik Design at the SAE Institute Cologne.

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