ERG’s Metalkol Wins Three Awards for Galvanising and Mentoring Women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo


Eurasian Resources Group’s Metalkol Women’s Committee in Africa received three awards of merit from Réseau des Organisations Congolaisespour la Promotion Agro pastoral et des Actions Féminines* (ROCPAF) for its positive impact women in the region. 

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16/06/2022 |
  • ERGs Metalkol in Africa Wins Three Awards for Galvanising and Mentoring Women in the DRC

ROCPAF is a non-governmental organisation committed to furthering the agro-pastoral promotion of women’s activities, seeking out women who have distinguished themselves in fields championing women. Winners were selected through a robust nomination and voting process and acknowledged at a ceremony in Kolwezi. 
Sholpan Danyarova, Metalkol’s Head of Talent and Organisational Development said: “It is an honour to accept these awards on behalf of the Women’s Committee. Although the Committee was only established in 2021, it has had an immense positive impact on our team, and we are grateful to ERG Africa and the Metalkol leadership for creating a culture and workplace in which women can thrive.”  
At the event, Ms Danyarova accepted the following certificates on behalf of Metalkol:

  • Metalkol Merit Award: for the management of women in the company
  • Ms Danyarova Individual Merit Award: for her efforts as a leader of women at Metalkol  
  • Women's Committee Merit Award: for successfully hosting a Women’s Committee event on the 8th of March 2022. The event mobilised women and provided coaching topics related to International Women’s Day  

“I respect how the around 130 women at Metalkol are taking charge of their future and a more sustainable tomorrow, with us. By actioning their collective vision via the Women’s Committee, they are addressing and educating the entire team on issues that impact women – bringing more cohesion and inclusion to our workplace,” said Sergei Verbitckii, Acting CEO at ERG Africa.   

Women's Committee Merit Award recognised the Metalkol International Women’s Day event, which took place on the 8th of March this year and aligned to the national theme, Gender equality today for a sustainable future. The event echoed the ERG’s message of gratitude and support for women within the organisation for challenging the stereotype that mining is not an industry for women. It also reinforced how women at ERG are contributing to a sustainable future for all by working for an organisation which responsibly mines for critical minerals essential for the global clean energy transition.  
“As the Chair of the Women’s Committee, I see it as my duty to ensure the women at Metalkol have the tools they need to succeed in each facet of their lives – we are mothers, friends, colleagues, mentors, and climate warriors – committed to a better future for ourselves and generations to come,” concluded Yvette Kayembe, Access Control Support Clerk and Chair of the Women’s Committee. 
*Network of Congolese Organisations for Agropastoral Promotion and Women's Activities 

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