Quintet recognized for excellence at Global Wealth Awards

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Quintet Private Bank, headquartered in Luxembourg and operating in 50 European cities, has been named one of the best private banks in Europe.

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06/10/2022 |
  • Chris Allen - Group CEO Quintet

    Chris Allen, Group CEO Quintet

Cited among the “Outstanding Private Banks in Europe” at the 32nd annual Private Banker International Global Wealth Awards, which took place earlier today, Quintet was also named one of the world’s “Best Banks for Sustainability and ESG Leadership.”

Founded in 1949 and with centuries of collective heritage in Europe and the UK, Quintet manages some €100 billion in total client assets. Earlier this year, following a series of innovative investment partnerships to help mitigate the impact of climate change, the independent wealth manager launched “Quintet Earth,” the world’s first multi-asset, climate-neutral investment fund.  

“Our 2,000 people are committed to client proximity, independent advice and personalized service,” said Group CEO Chris Allen. “These awards recognize our ongoing pursuit of excellence as a firm with less complexity and more collaboration – where client needs come first and sustainability is at the heart of our business.”

According to Private Banker International, recognition is provided to best-practice organizations that are setting new standards. Key judging criteria include the ability of organizations to demonstrate a clear and unique strategy to grow their business. Following category nomination and shortlisting, award selection was made by Private Banker International’s judging panel, comprising independent wealth management specialists and the magazine’s editorial staff.

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