IQ-EQ UK Regulatory Compliance business expands with the acquisition of Laven Compliance Limited


Global Investor Services Group IQ-EQ expands its UK based regulatory compliance business with strategic acquisition.

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08/12/2022 |
  • 1647261995843

IQ-EQ, an Astorg portfolio company, is pleased to announce the acquisition of Laven Compliance Limited, formerly part of Laven Group. Laven Compliance Limited is an industry leading UK and U.S. based provider of regulatory compliance, regulatory application support and operational due diligence servicing financial services clients. This acquisition adds further strength and depth to IQ-EQ’s existing regulatory compliance business offering clients a range of additional products and services delivered by an expanded and highly experienced team. IQ-EQ’s UK regulatory compliance business is led by UK MD, Rachel Aldridge. The acquisition does not involve any other part of the Laven Group.

Commenting on the announcement John Legrand, IQ-EQ Regional CEO, UK, Ireland and the Crown Dependencies said:

“IQ-EQ is on an exciting growth journey and I’m really looking forward to taking our UK regulatory compliance business to even greater heights thanks to this transaction. This deal is the perfect combination for our business. It’s packed full of upside; for the incoming team, our existing team of regulatory compliance experts and for our UK and U.S. based clients who can now avail of an expanded range of products and services delivered by an industry recognised team of experts. We’re really looking forward to working with Philip, George and the rest of the incoming team and making this a hugely successful business. Exciting times lie ahead.”

Jerome Lussan, CEO and founder of the Laven Group further commented:

“The Laven Compliance business has grown significantly over the past few years, alongside its sister companies Laven Hosting and Leo RegTech. With the fast pace of change in the regulatory industry, combining our compliance business with IQ-EQ’s Regulatory and Compliance Solutions team benefits clients and staff and provides a larger base to build from. IQ EQ Group has achieved incredible success so far and we feel our clients and team will find more room to grow in this new exciting environment. As a result of this acquisition the business will have access to a larger international pool of trusted experts, and growth across frontiers and client types. The whole client base and our team will benefit as a whole!”

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