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The Antiques & Art Fair Luxembourg will be opening its doors from 27 to 30 January 2023 at Luxexpo The Box. For this 48th edition, some 90 exhibitors have already booked their attendance. These antiques dealers, gallery-owners and expert craftspeople will be coming from seven countries.

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20/01/2023 |
  • Luxexpo

" Antiques & Art Fair is an essential meeting-place to supplement or embellish a collection, to surround yourself with furniture, paintings and top-quality objects, or simply to make investments for the future." Jean-Pierre Defossé, the salon’s organiser.

One historical advantage of the Luxembourg fair is the range of what’s on offer. Both in terms of the nationalities and the specialisms of the exhibitors, and in terms of the prices, which allow every visitor to find something to delight. The four objects we are showcasing here are proof of this.

A drawing of Gaston Lagaffe by André Franquin, whose prices are sky-rocketing, exhibited by Galerie Manuscripta will sit side by side with a rare Louis XIV period black lacquered double-sided flat desk which stands out for its rich ornamentation in gilt bronze and its provenance. In fact, the desk belonged to members of the Gage family, descendants of General Thomas Gage (1719-1787), Commanderin-Chief of the British forces in North America from 1763 to 1775. Viewings are at the Galerie Lux-Auction stand.

In the display case for the gemmologists Edelstein Prüflabor, collectors of Art Deco jewellery will be fascinated by a rare gold and platinum bracelet set with 165 diamonds, displayed right alongside a majestic head of an elephant by the artists Bernard et Arnaud Bessoud at the Boyrié gallery.

" You are sure to have your heart won over in this sort of museum where everything is for sale.  And you can make your acquisitions in good conscience because ? let’s not forget ? art and antiques are lasting and responsible purchases." Morgan Gromy, CEO at Luxexpo The Box

He has triggered a transformation and a radical change of mission in the venue’s conferences and exhibitions, manifested by considering environmental and social aspects in its events activities.


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