PwC Luxembourg publishes The SFDR Barometer for Management Companies


PwC Luxembourg publishes The SFDR Barometer for Management Companies.

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20/03/2023 |
  • DSC 0117

    Geoffroy Marcassoli, CAIA, ESG & Sustainable Finance Partner

This first edition provides insight into Luxembourg ManCos’ SFDR related practices and commitments. An analysis has been conducted on the basis of data collected on both Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMs),Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities (UCITS) ManCos and Super ManCos based in the Grand Duchy.  In total, 51 participants, including 29 Super ManCos, participated in the survey, representing 15 different nationalities.

Highlights from the poster include:

Proportion of ManCos planning to upgrade at least one Fund: 75% of UCITS ManCos plan to upgrade Funds from Article 6 to Article 8.

Sustainable Investments commitment: 70% of Article 8 UCITS Funds commit to making Sustainable Investments.

Taxonomy Commitment: 60% and 65% of AIFMs and Super ManCos respectively manage Funds with Taxonomy Commitment.

PAI Consideration of Article 9 Funds: 81% of UCITS Article 9 Funds consider PAIs.ESG data sources used by ManCos: 41% of ManCos use more than 2 ESG sources.

Geoffroy Marcassoli, CAIA, ESG & Sustainable Finance Partner said:

“This survey, which was conducted at the time ManCos were updating their pre-contractual documents and commitments to comply with the Level II of SFDR, provides unique insights on how these new requirements have been implemented by Luxembourg ManCos.”

You can download a copy or request a printed copy through the following link.

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