Cargolux inaugurates SAF at Luxembourg airport and operates carbon neutral flight to Zhengzhou in China


Cargolux became the first airline to uplift SAF at Luxembourg’s Findel airport, a significant milestone in the vital journey to decarbonization. Cargolux, lux-Airport, World Fuel Services and Neste, four future-driven partners joined forces to secure the first delivery of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) to Luxembourg airport. The bio-based fuel was delivered to Luxembourg airport’s fuel farm via NATO’s Central European Pipeline System (CEPS).

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13/06/2023 |
  • LX-VCC

Using this SAF, Cargolux will operate a carbon neutral flight from Luxembourg (LUX) to Zhengzhou (CGO), its biggest hub in mainland China.

The SAF is from sustainably sourced, 100% renewable waste and residue raw materials, in compliance with the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) Directive.

“This initiative marks a first for all involved and I am proud of the smooth process we witnessed throughout from delivery to uplift. This is a milestone in Cargolux’s sustainable engagement and a significant step in our carbon reduction roadmap. We look forward to continuing this journey in collaboration with lux-Airport, World Fuel Services and Neste, with whom we share a common vision for a sustainable industry”, states Richard Forson, Cargolux President & CEO.

“As an airport, we are facilitator and promoter of sustainability. Moreover, engaging our partners to opt for an environmentally friendly approach matches our top goal of getting net zero by 2030 for the airport infrastructure. The first flight with sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) by Cargolux is a strong pledge to lower carbon emissions going forward and showcases their role as a major player in the industry by choosing a key lever to this goal. As the home base of Cargolux, we at lux-Airport, highly appreciate Cargolux's approach to environmental leadership for cleaner skies. We want to express our congratulations to Cargolux on the first SAF flight ever from Luxembourg, which is a truly remarkable milestone in the country's environmentally friendly aviation approach”, says Alexander Flassak, CEO lux-Airport.

“We are excited to supply our Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel for this celebratory Cargolux cargo flight from Luxembourg Airport in cooperation with World Fuel Services. It is a great example of collaboration with partners across aviation’s value chain to make SAF available. It builds on earlier deliveries of Neste’s SAF to Cargolux at Amsterdam Airport and previous deliveries of SAF to airports via the CEPS pipeline system. It also highlights the importance of joint efforts in making more sustainable fuel options available at airports,” says Alexander Kueper, Vice President EMEA from the Renewable Aviation business unit at Neste.

“The first successful delivery of blended sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) via the CEPS pipeline to Luxemburg Airport marks a significant milestone for World Fuel Services, underscoring our commitment expanding access to renewable fuels,” says Duncan Storey, vice president, supply aviation Europe, World Fuel Services.  “Through a collaborative effort with Neste and Cargolux, we have successfully transported blended SAF across multiple countries, showcasing our determination to provide reliable renewable fuel solutions. Improving access to sustainable aviation fuel is crucial for a greener future. As a leading player in the industry, we are proud to be at the forefront of this effort, working closely with our partners and stakeholders to make sustainable aviation a reality.”

The 747-8F will land at its destination, CGO, on time for a ceremony marking the 10th year since Cargolux first started operating services to Zhengzhou in 2014. The occasion and related ceremonies will be held within the framework of sustainability and focused on the importance of achieving a “Green Silk Road” between LUX and CGO. Cargolux’s SAF-fueled, carbon-offset flight serves as a symbol and building block for this initiative.

Initiatives such as this highlight the importance of strong partnerships to achieve net-zero carbon emissions target by 2050. Sustainable Aviation Fuel is a key lever to meeting this target and cooperation with like-minded partners is key. Each party involved is committed to supporting the production and large-scale availability of SAF to help establish an environmentally-sound aviation industry.

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