Deloitte Luxembourg becomes Corporate Baker on Tezos

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Deloitte Luxembourg announces that it will become a Tezos Corporate Baker [1] . As a Corporate Baker, Deloitte Luxembourg will be responsible for validating, securing and adding transactions (blocks) to the Tezos blockchain. This new position allows Deloitte Luxembourg and Tezos to explore synergies in Web3-related topics, alongside other ecosystem stakeholders

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12/10/2023 |
  • GENCO Sebastien HD02

    Sébastien Genco, Partner chez Deloitte Luxembourg

Many innovations that will transform businesses in the coming years center around blockchain because of its efficiency and ability to support new models and generate new sources of revenue, as well as providing a secure and complete tracking of data flows.

Endowed with a blockchain center of competence called “Blockchain Institute”, the Deloitte network has developed a strong expertise over the past 10 years and supports more than 450 companies in creating innovative and tailor-made Web3 solutions to meet their technological and business needs. Since the creation of its blockchain division in 2015, Deloitte Luxembourg has provided initial trainings, strategic consulting and prototyping to many diverse organizations.

By becoming a Corporate Baker, Deloitte Luxembourg is reinforcing its involvement in Tezos governance and protocol development, as well as guaranteeing the network's security and verifiability. The Tezos blockchain, which celebrated its fifth anniversary last June, has undergone 14 upgrades. While the Mumbai upgrade last March enabled the blockchain to multiply its overall processing power and exceed the symbolic threshold of one million transactions per second, Nairobi, deployed in June, brought several improvements to the Tezos economic protocol, such as an up to 8-fold increase in the number of transactions per second (TPS) and new functionalities for Smart Rollups.

“We are happy to play an active role in such an ambitious initiative, which reinforces our collaboration with Tezos and reaffirms Deloitte’s intention to be at the forefront of the blockchain revolution.” Sébastien Genco, Partner at Deloitte Luxembourg

“We are proud to count Deloitte Luxembourg among our Corporate Bakers. It's a great opportunity for the ecosystem to benefit from the expertise of one of the world class leaders in its field that has always made blockchain technology part of its experience and DNA.” Louis Chevalier, Adoption Manager Benelux at Nomadic Labs

[1] "Baker" is a term specific to Tezos, and to date, the network counts over 400 of them worldwide. This position enables them to play an active part in the governance of Tezos, and encourages the evolution of the chain by guaranteeing the security and reliability of the network. The main role of a Baker is to create and validate blocks on the blockchain, and to secure the network through his or her right to vote in proportion to the number of Tez held.

A "Corporate Baker" is a company outside the ecosystem that is destined to become a Baker, and which is supported in this process by Tezos and Nomadic Labs.


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