SGG awarded "Best Corporate Trust Services 2013 Provider"


SGG was presented, for the third consecutive year, with the “Best Corporate Trust Services Provider 2013” award at the CFO World Awards Gala Luxembourg.

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12/12/2013 |
  • Award Collected by Stephane Haot

This Award makes us very proud and happy. That’s again a great achievement for our people and our group

Serge Krancenblum, CEO SGG Group

The Gala took place on the 28th of November at the Drosbach Conference Centre, in Luxembourg and gathered more than 300 professionals of the financial sector and local CFOs.

The Award recognizes the importance SGG attaches to building, lasting relationships with its clients and partners, while pursuing growth in Luxembourg and internationally.

SGG is particularly proud that the vision of its craft and the projects implemented has earned them such recognition by finance professionals.

The CFO World Awards event aims at sharing best practices, encouraging emulation and the recognition by the local CFOs for the best solutions offered by the Luxembourg financial center.

“This Award makes us very proud and happy. That’s again a great achievement for our people and our group” said Serge Krancenblum, CEO SGG Group.

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