ING Solidarity Awards 2013 – The results!

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During the awards ceremony held at the Geesseknaeppchen Forum on Wednesday 13 November 2013, 48 ING Solidarity Awards were handed out before an audience of 300 people, including members of Luxembourg associations and representatives of the media and business world.

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14/11/2013 |
  •  MG 0905
  •  MG 0915

I am really proud of the support and visibility that ING has been able to give to a number of local associations again this year through the ING Solidarity Awards. This shows how close we remain to our roots in Luxembourg, and it is something that we intend to develop further. I would like to give my most sincere thanks to all of this year’s participants for their work and support!

Luc Verbeken, CEO of ING Luxembourg

The aim was to reward and support Luxembourg associations through a two-part competition:

  1. “Online voting”;
  2. “Project selected by a panel”

1. Online voting: 121 associations took part More than 22,000 votes were cast
The first part of the ING Solidarity Awards involved Luxembourg associations signing up on the ING Luxembourg website. A total of 121 associations signed up and the 40 receiving the highest number of online votes were each rewarded with a cheque for EUR 1,000.

Here is the list of associations in alphabetical order:

  • ACHBL ASBL Association Culturelle et Humanitaire de Bairrada à Luxembourg
  • Aide au Vietnam
  • ASA ASBL Amicale vun der Schoul fir Assistenzhonn
  • ASBL "Les Amis de Gambie"
  • ASBL "Les Amis de l'Herberg Kinderhuis South Africa, Luxembourg"
  • Association Thérapie Equestre ASBL
  • Athénée-Action humanitaire
  • Ayubowan ASBL
  • Coopération Nord-Sud (CNS ASBL)
  • D'Georges Kayser Altertumsfuerscher
  • Du Pain Pour Chaque Enfant
  • Ecole de GRS Luxembourg
  • Enfants de l'Espoir ONGD
  • Enfants du Benin ASBL
  • Fondation A.P.E.M.H.
  • Fondation Cancer
  • Groupe de Support Psychologique
  • Hand an Hand
  • IOP-LUX ILULA ORPHAN PROGRAM Luxembourg-Tanzania
  • Kiwanis Club Eisleck ASBL
  • Lieu d'initiatives et de services des étudiants au Luxembourg, LISEL ASBL
  • Little Sequoia
  • ONGD-FNEL scouts et guides pour le développement communautaire ASBL
  • Orang Utan Help Lëtzebuerg ASBL
  • People of Tomorrow
  • Perros Andalucia ASBL
  • Pets Angels Luxembourg ASBL
  • Philippines-Luxembourg Society ASBL
  • Schrëtt fir Schrëtt asbl
  • Telstar International Scout Group
  • Think Pink Lux
  • Toutes à l'école Luxembourg ASBL
  • Tricentenaire asbl
  • TSARA FO - aide pour Madagascar
  • Vélo-Club L'Endurance Leudelange ASBL
  • Vers un autre regard ASBL
  • Zesummen aktiv - ZAK!

2. Project selected by a panel: 82 entries considered 8 winners
This part required the associations to submit a project falling under one of the four categories below:

  • National projects from 100% voluntary associations;
  • National projects from partially voluntary associations;
  • International projects from 100% voluntary associations;
  • International projects from partially voluntary associations.

A total of 82 associations entered, submitting their projects to an independent panel of seven people: three from ING and four from outside.

Winners per category:
1. “National projects from 100% voluntary associations” category

  • 1st prize (EUR 6,000): Vers un autre regard ASBL
  • 2nd prize (EUR 3,000): Luxembourg Resuscitation Council

2. “National projects from partially voluntary associations” category

  • 1st prize (EUR 6,000): Association Luxembourg Alzheimer
  • 2nd prize (EUR 3,000): Fondation Jeunes Scientifiques Luxembourg

3. “International projects from 100% voluntary associations” category

  • 1st prize (EUR 6,000): Ayubowan ASBL
  • 2nd prize (EUR 3,000): Orang Utan Help Lëtzebuerg ASBL

4. “International projects from partially voluntary associations” category:

  • 1st prize (EUR 6,000): Enfants de l’Espoir
  • 2nd prize (EUR 3,000): Aide à l’Enfance de l’Inde

Luc Verbeken, CEO of ING Luxembourg, was delighted to see that the initiative was again a success: “I am really proud of the support and visibility that ING has been able to give to a number of local associations again this year through the ING Solidarity Awards. This shows how close we remain to our roots in Luxembourg, and it is something that we intend to develop further. I would like to give my most sincere thanks to all of this year’s participants for their work and support!”

For further information, please visit the ING Luxembourg website:

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